Wow.. the center block is done! I have always wanted to do a Mariner's block, and that is what first drew me in to wanting to do this quilt top.. One more month to go, and we get the last blocks to complete it.
Here is one of the January's Block of the Month. There will be 5 of these total to make a row in various colors..
March 21, 2010 update..
YES! All five are finished.. I don't think I have never said I have hated doing any block.. This is one that I really do not like to do!! Here are all five laid side-by-side, not sewn together.
I was finally able to get February Block of the Month done.. After having a cold, that turned into Bronchitis, then having the flu for a week, and my brochitis turning into pnuemonia after the flu.. This has been a total month from hell!!
I never got January's Block of the month done, but that is next... Hopefully I will have it done today.. :)
I love to do my various crafts. Since I do so many different things I'm never bored. Life is filled with so many wonderful things to do, I never will be able to understand how others could be bored in their life.
I am also a member of the Evergreen Piecemakers Guild. A fabulous bunch of people!!